LRG at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing the Ability of BERT and Derivative Models to Perform Short-Edits Based Humor Grading

In this paper, we assess the ability of BERT and its derivative models (RoBERTa, DistilBERT, and ALBERT) for short-edits based humor grading. We test these models for humor grading and classification tasks on the Humicroedit and the FunLines dataset. …

Attributional Analysis of Multi‑Modal Fake News Detection Models

Fake news detection is a procedure for identifying a particular news article as counterfeit or real. In this paper, we propose and assess the ability of two approaches for the task of multi-modal fake news detection. For the first approach, we fuse …

Citta: A Lite Semantic Recommendation Framework for Digital Libraries

Most of the recommendation and search frameworks in Digital Libraries follow a keyword-based approach to resolve text-based search queries. Keyword-based methods usually fail to capture the semantic aspects of the user’s query and often lead to a …